Sunday, October 26, 2008

Bob on Chicken

It's sort of mind numbing, but apparently both presidential candidates' advisors tell them to not get into detail, so they don't. Then the other side distorts the generality.

E.g.: "Sure, I eat chicken," said Bob.

"Bob Tied to Multi-billion Dollar Poultry Slaughter," said the next morning's headline.

"A poultry executive said today that chickens, alone, account for over 70% of the poultry trade in America." TV anchor.

An email circulates that Bob eats over 70% of the chicken in America.

Bloggers weigh in using the F word a lot and generally saying that Bob is a chicken.

"I'm no chicken," says Bob. "I just said I eat chicken. And not exclusively." This is said at the end of a 90 minute speech about foreign policy in response to a question from a reporter. It is the only statement from the speech reported by any media.

The View has Bob on the show to discuss his policy on chicken. It turns out that Bob has no policy on chicken.

"Bob waffles on chicken," says the next day's headline.

And so forth.


rin said...

So Bob eats chicken on waffles? Gross! :)

Tikkagirl said...

How Waffle!

Both my mother & I are in tears and she is on the other end of the phone.